Mobile Nail Trims
Mobile Nail Trim Appointments are currently for existing mobile customers only, thank you.
Pet Pawdicure provides mobile visit pet nail trims at your home. During COVID-19, there are safety requirements both Pet Pawdicure and the customer are required to follow. For everyone’s safety, we are either working outside or in an open garage or in a well-ventilated area in addition to ample hand sanitizing and use of PPE. All customers are required to fill out an online Appointment Form and to sign a COVID-19 waiver.
We provide mobile nail trims: serving the cities of Bellevue, Bothell, Finn Hill, Inglewood, Juanita, Kenmore, Kingsgate, Kirkland, Norway Hill, Totem Lake, and Woodinville.
Schedule an appointment online. Learn more about when a mobile visit might be best recommended for you and your pet.
Service Area Fee
A standard mobile service area fee is added above the cost of the mobile nail trim prices listed below to compensate for mileage and time. The standard mobile service area fee is based on the mileage and/or time to and from your location and our base location in Kirkland. Please provide your address for an accurate quote.
$25 Dog Nail Trim, includes grinding (15 minutes)
$50 Dog Nail Trim, includes grinding — for pets requiring a longer visit (30 minutes)
$25 Dog Nail Polish (15 minutes)
$25 Cat Nail Trim (15 minutes)
$25 Bunny Nail Trim and Grinding (15 minutes)
Guinea Pig
$25 Guinea Pig Nail Trim (15 minutes)
Bearded Dragon
$25 Bearded Dragon Nail Trim (15 minutes)
Turtle or Tortoise
$50 Turtle/Tortoise Nail/Beak Trim (30 minutes)
Birds: Nails, Wings and Beak
Small Bird: Parakeet, Lovebird, Cockatiel: $29
Medium Bird: Conure, Quaker, Jenday, Senegal: $35
Large Bird: Amazon, Cockatoo, African Grey: $50
Macaw: $65
Pet Calm
$22 Calmative for Dogs and Cats
Service Fees
$25 Appointment Late Fee Surcharge – Your appointment starts promptly at the time you reserved. Please be on time and have your pet prepared for your appointment.
As incurred – Parking Fees: Customer is responsible for all parking fees incurred to provide Pet Pawdicure services to their pet(s).
January, 2020